Think you know about CS:GO? Think again. This quiz will prove you know nothing!
CS:GO Quiz is free, addictive application for Counter-Strike players!
You can play in two game modes: casual and survival.
- Casual mode has 20 questions and after you finish answering everything you will get to see in what rank you've been placed.
- Survival mode has over 400 questions and all you have to do is to survive. If you slip - you will end your game. But don't worry, you can submit your high score to keep your progress and try again!
There are over 330 in-game and over 110 non in-game related questions. You don't know anything about eSports? Don't worry, you can disable non in-game questions in settings menu and play only with questions you are familiar with.
Legal notice: CS:GO Quiz isn't endorsed by Valve and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Valve.
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